Handy Hands

Handy Hands is an auditory piano method for 5- to 8-year old children. The method is based on songs. Children sing a song and do movement tasks while singing. Then they learn to play the song on the piano. There are two lesson books, the second book also includes 40 exercises for reading music notes. The recently published Micebook has extra songs and fantasy tasks. Because of the creative and playful approach, the Handy Hands piano method is an attractive start for every young child.

In October 2015 Erna Fransen and Mieke de Jong gave a Pecha Kucha lecture about the Handy Hands books. This took place during the International Conference of the EPTA in Amsterdam. Underneath you can find this lecture. It will give you a good impression of our method!



We have translated some pages of the books. If you would like to have more information, please contact us.